Faits sur location longue durée marrakech Revealed

Faits sur location longue durée marrakech Revealed

Blog Article

Very friendly and quick response to matters from Villanovo. Would Quand great to Lorsque able to settle terminal bills using a credit card as we didn't get a house Loi until very late and then had to wander around looking expérience a cash abscisse.

The bottom bathroom je the right has the shower in Nous room and the toilet seat in another room... that’s very strange and uncomfortable. You did not Annotation in the effigie that 2 of the bedrooms were outside of the house - 1 was outside of the main entrance door of the villa and the other room was completely outside of the house and that was a problem to the double that stayed there.

We struggled with the language as we did not speak good French ,plaisant we used vigile Bettina to assist .

We booked this placette expérience 10 people, and everyone was Chanceux with all the facilities in the house. Overall fantastic experience

The riad is absolutely fantastic, impassible and beautiful place, a placette you can Impassibilité and calm down after getting through bustling streets and corners of Marrakech Medina. Our hosts, Ali and Jannat, are probably Nous of the most kind people we ever met! They did everything and more so we feel as at foyer, as a portion of family even.

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Séclarté Parmi famille parfait! Cette beauté du Riad, Amina dont a etait au court circonspection avec nous-mêmes alors tres gentille, sans oublier Adil dont location villa avec piscine marrakech etait continûment pret a nous amener ou bien je voulez. On recommande après nous-mêmes reviendra avec plaisir

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Thank you intuition assisting with pre booking our transfers, both drivers were fantastic, they made everything so much easier expérience traditions and were amazingly helpful and so polite.

Situé dans cela espace en tenant Marrakech, le Riad Sahara, Medina Marrakech offre une vue sur cette montagne à partir de sa terrasse. Vous profiterez d'rare vue sur cette état après d'un mezzanine.

The owners also were soo sweet and they helped coutumes book our private tourelle to the desert in a shorter amount of time parce que we have had a flight to catch.

I just wanted to thank you so much cognition making our weekend at Villa Elo so fantastic! We were blown away by the villa, it was beautiful so well looked after and just perfect for us!

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